There are plenty of easy to get mounts in FFXIV, and as we’re getting more and more gear, some fights that grant loot are actually becoming pretty doable as a solo or in pairs. In this guide, we’re going over some easy to get mounts that you can either get or start working towards today even if you play solo or with a friend or two. This guide does not include mounts from the MogStation, MSQ, limited time events, expensive Market Board or vendor mounts, or any of the reputation grind mounts, only the random side tidbits you may or may not know about.

If you’ve never visited Jonathas in Old Gridania, you may not have the Behemoth, Magitek Death Claw or Ahirman mounts. All you need to do is visit him and purchase those three mounts in exchange for your Achievement Certificate Points, 6 tokens each to be exact, so 18 overall – and if you’ve played the game at all, you probably have them.

Getting to level 30 is easy these days, and if you’re a conjurer, you can get yourself a Unicorn mount. After hitting level 30, you’ll get a mount quest in the Conjurer’s Guild in Old Gridania, but if you come after you’ve equipped the WHM Soul Crystal, you won’t be able to see the quest, so make sure to take it out first before doing it. The quest is called “Unicorn Power” and is issued by Braya within the guild house.

Gilded Armor may take a bit of time, but if you’ve been doing your Duty roulettes and haven’t been AFK-ing, you probably have some Commendations. Once you get to 500, you’ll receive the Gilded Armor mount as the reward from “Everybody’s Darling” achievement, but you have to claim it within the Achievement menu. Make sure to do that if you haven’t claimed it yet and you have 500 comms or more!

Magitek Sky Armor will cost you 20000 Wolf Marks, which is the cap amount, and if you’ve been queuing into any Frontlines or Crystalline Conflict, you’ll be able to easily get it within days… or hours, if you’re persistent. All you need to do is cap the Wolf Marks one time and exchange them in the Wolves’ Den Pier, at the Mark Quartermaster.

When it comes to Gold Saucer, there are two mounts that are cheaper than the other ones in comparison. There is the Pod 602, which is a new addition and costs 300k, and the Adamantoise, which is 200k. You can exchange your MGPs at the Gold Saucer Attendant in the Entrance Square, within the Prize Claim III menu. This can’t be done within a day, but even if you do only Fashion Reports for your 60k a week, these two can be inexpensive additions to your mount roster that’ll take a few weeks of minimal effort if you don’t do any other Gold Saucer activities. If you’d like to, I have an MGP farming guide that you might find useful, so check it out in the pinned comment of this video!

The mounts from A Realm Reborn Extreme trials are probably quite familiar to you so I won’t waste too much of your time on it, but if you don’t have all of them, you can unsync and completely solo them if you’re max or even somewhat close to max level. You may not know that there’s also Nightmare, an additional mount that has a rare chance of dropping at the Bowl of Embers Extreme, the Navel Extreme, or the Howling Eye Extreme, so it’s a good idea to give those additional few spins when you’re farming the higher drop rate ponies, too.

Heavensward Extreme mounts may be a bit tougher to solo, and they’re easier with a friend, but you can definitely solo all of them and get that golden bird yourself. If you’re struggling with it, check out some of the solo strategies and guides. The reason why I’m not listing the Stormblood and Shadowbringers Extreme mounts here is because you definitely need more people for them, and you need to know what the wipe points are, so if you’re after doggos and dragons, study up on them first.

Alexander Savage mounts are soloable, but a lot easier if you’ve got at least one friend at max level helping you out, as there are some wipe mechanics you should be aware of. However, if you know the strat, the mounts are guaranteed drops, and the fights last like 3 minutes each, so there’s no reason not to get them. Oh and by the way, only A4S and A12S drop mounts – the A8S loot is a minion, so don’t bother spamming it like I did!

That’s pretty much all I could think of when it comes to easy-to-do or easy-to-solo mounts. There must be something I’ve left out, so let me know in the comments if you know another mount that’s easy to get. If you’re more of a visual person, and you don’t mind getting easy wins in-game, you can check out all of this in my video – and subscribe for more awesome FFXIV stuff!

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